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Living It Out By Faith Pt. 10

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 NKJV


I know this was last week’s verse, but it is so rich in truth and meaning that we have to continue to look deeper! This week we are talking about evidence. Evidence is what proves or disproves something. Even though we cannot see air, we have proof that it exists! That proof is all we need to believe.


Our faith works the same way. The Bible says that our faith is proof of our answer. How do we know we have what we are believing God for? How do we know He will do what we ask of Him? Faith is our proof.


Do you need healing? Do you need a financial breakthrough? Do you need peace or joy or anything else in life? Ask God! Believe the promises He makes in His word, and start using your faith. When you need to be reminded that your answer is real and on it’s way to you, simply look at your faith. 


Be Blessed and Encouraged,
