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Living It Out By Faith Pt. 15

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

This week I want to explain something that might be confusing for some people. The Bible talks about two different kinds of faith. One is the faith we operate in every day, and the other is the gift of faith. Knowing the difference between the two can help us understand how God moves in our life!

Everyday faith is what the Bible refers to in this passage in II Corinthians. This kind of faith we use to live out our Christian life and calling. It is ours to steward and feed through the word of God and prayer. It is up to us whether we use this faith or not. 

The gift of faith, on the other hand, is talked about in I Corinthians 12:9. It is given by the Holy Spirit and is fully in His control, all we do is say yes. This often produces great miracles, signs, and wonders that we would otherwise have a hard time believing for. It completely bypasses your doubt or unbelief and manifests faith in the natural world. 

Although God gives this gift of faith as He wills, it is something we can and should desire! However, this does not mean we lack faith unless God gives it. God has already given us faith for everyday life and circumstances, and it is up to us to use it!

Be Blessed and Encouraged,
