Merry Christmas!
Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
Matthew 1:23
Wow! I love this verse, particularly the last part where it says, “… which is translated “God with us.” Think about that, the God who created all things became a man. In the gospel of John in the first chapter, it says, “All things were created through Him (Jesus) and without Him nothing was created that was created.” Jesus was God, He created all things, yet He humbles Himself and becomes a man, not just a man, but a baby dependent on His earthly mother. Why would God do such a thing? You and I are more valuable to God than we will ever be able to comprehend this side of heaven.
I encourage you to think about this all week. God loves you so much, so deeply, so passionately, He loves you without boundaries, not because of anything you have done, or have not done, but because you believe in Jesus and that Jesus was God. It’s so simple! The true gospel is so simple, just like a baby in a manger.
Leslie and I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We pray during this season your hearts will be filled with the joy of the Lord!!
Be Blessed and Encouraged,